Peer mentoring

Level 2 Peer Mentoring in a Criminal Justice Setting (FREE, ONLINE)

Have you began turning your life around, or possibly recovered from or in recovery from significant personal circumstances that held you back before or during a prison or probation sentence?

MYBE Awards offer a unique, person centred, Level 2 Certificate in peer mentoring in a criminal justice setting. This is for peers interested to support others who experience difficulties associated with offending that limits their and their family’s lives. This qualification is also a progression route to a higher level award in intervention and guidance.

The purpose of the qualification is to provide learners with specific knowledge, engagement and helping skills to work effectively with:

  • Peer’s wanting to recover from the impact of offending or a prison sentence,
  • Peers under achieving in their present circumstances;
  • Peers arriving in prison or probation to access entitlements and avoid pitfalls

Mentoring may aim to support individuals’ handle family separation, the stresses and pressures that are in abundance in a custodial/supervisory setting including violence, intimidation, use of substances, long periods of confinement, managing money, dealing with bullying, or addressing offending behaviour.

Learning outcomes

  1. Understand the impact of a Criminal Justice sentence on an individual.
  2. Understand barriers to changing mindsets and behaviour through peer mentoring.
  3. Understand the importance of diversity and inclusion policy and practice in the peer mentoring relationship.
  4. Understand individual support needs for people affected by Criminal Justice.
  5. Understand a person-centred approach in peer mentoring for people affected by Criminal Justice.
  6. Be able to support a person to make a referral to help meet a peer Criminal Justice need.
  7. Be able to record peer mentoring activity for retention by the recipient.
  8. Be able to reflect on own peer mentoring practice to identify areas of practice improvements.


We are currently offering this qualification free of charge for a limited time, whilst we test out our new learning portal. 

This course is for anyone with a lived experience in a criminal justice setting. This includes a personal experience of a prison sentence, or your experience of a family member/friend being in prison. 

You do not require any previous qualifications to complete this course. 

You can work through the course at your own pace, therefore this completely depends on how you would like to approach it. 

The course is 100% online therefore you can get started at a time that suits you and work at your own pace. 

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email with a link to access our learning portal. Create an account and then enter the enrolment key (also provided in the email). You will then have full access to the course and can get started immediately. 

If you haven’t received an email check your junk before contacting us. 

Level 2 qualifications recognise the ability to gain a good knowledge and understanding of a subject area of work or study, and to perform varied tasks with some guidance or supervision. Learning at this level involves building knowledge and/or skills in relation to an area of work or a subject area and is appropriate for many job roles. It is similar to having a GCSE at grade A*–C or 4-9.

The best way to contact us about this course is via email:

To receive your level 2 qualification you will be required to answer an open questionnaire for each module (8 in total).

MYBE Awards is exclusively licensed to deliver this award which is accredited by OCN London who is regulated by Ofqual, the qualifications regulator for England.
Mybe Awards
Author: Mybe Awards


  • This looks an interesting course I work with youth ( the Future of the world) everyone. Weds guidance sometime , if it wasn’t for guidance and action relocating our family I could have been in gangs and ended up in prison instead I did 30. Years in the fire service half in a supervisor role ,I am also a driving and sailing instructor , who knows where you will end up with support Tom

  • I am Deaf qualified teacher teaching sign language and many years Employment adviser and Career Adviser and youth worker.

    Would be good fresh start

  • Hello I would be very interested in this course as I have knowledge and an understanding in this field

  • I’d love to sign up for the course as I’m one of the people that have been part of a prison sentence and come out a better person

    • Hi Tanya,

      This is a unique, person centred, Level 2 – 6 Credit Certificate in peer mentoring in a criminal justice setting. This is for peers interested to support others who experience difficulties associated with offending that limits their and their family’s lives. This qualification is also a progression route to a higher level award in intervention and guidance.

      If you wish to find out more just check the Peer Mentoring page and read our FAQs. Use the form to sign up and you can begin as soon as you receive your login. If you have any other issues just let us know.


  • Do I have to pay if I’m employed ?
    Are there any criteria or conditions that I need to fit into

  • I would like to learn this qualification as I want to go on to helping young adults

  • I work with young people and would love to learn everything I can that could help our children and give them guidance
    My job is very important to me snd gives me great reward from seeing the kids happy
    Love and good role modelling is key to our future generation and I’m proud to care for all the young people and nurture them
    The smile on their face and their happiness is my reward

  • Being an advocate of supporting and improving relationships with parents, children, families I would love to obtain this qualification to enable me to help and empower others. Looking forward to hearing from you with a start date

  • What can be done with the completion of the free course? Is it a recognised qualification and how can it be used in real life?

    • Hi Marcus, this qualification is for those interested to support others (on an informal basis) who experience difficulties associated with offending that limits their and their family’s lives. MYBE Awards is exclusively licensed to deliver this award which is accredited by OCN London who is regulated by Ofqual, the qualifications regulator for England. It is also a progression route to a level 3 award in intervention and guidance, this higher level award requires a lot of practice learning so you would need to be in a criminal justice related role.

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