MYBE Avatar Learner Journey on laptop and mobile

Digital Change Makers: Collaborate with Us

We are currently seeking collaboration with influential organisations; interested in enabling a connection between MYBE and people touched by criminal justice or complex circumstances.


MYBE Awards are currently developing an online learning platform, incorporating the uniquely designed MYBE Avatar Learner Journey© to enable underserved learners (people touched by criminal justice or complex circumstances) enter the workforce and build brighter futures.

We are passionate about helping underserved learners to achieve an alternative route to more aspirational careers and brighter futures, from whatever their starting points. This project and our partnership with Ufi VocTech Trust started in August 2020 and has considerably enriched this passion. Ufi are a “catalyst for a better future”; changing how vocational training and skills are viewed.

As a funding partner and essential friend, Ufi VocTech have supported us in the development of our online learning platform, placing significant value on individually tailored learner assistance, assessment and guidance throughout. The learner is placed at the centre of the learner journey, embracing learner support, occupational interests and personal capabilities in their journey to a brighter future. It is essentially a ‘best fit’ process of matching a learner to what they are best suited for, which subsequently helps to maximise the empowerment of the learner and minimise drop out rates from courses or employment.

Research proven ‘what works’ methods are embraced in the project design, such as the use of social media through hand held devices, learner led solutions and holistic learning methods. The basis of the MYBE Avatar Learner Journey© design was developed by learners, for learners. This personalised, collaborative learning approach has a specific focus on learner experience and related scenario-based learning, enabling achievable learning plans.

For more information on the Avatar Learner Journey©, watch the below video or click here!

How can you get involved?

To reach our target audience, we are currently seeking collaboration with influential organisations; interested in enabling a connection between MYBE and underserved learners.

Do you work with individuals:

  • Affected by criminal justice?
  • In prisons, or on statutory supervision in the community?
  • Affected by unemployment or low-level employment?
  • With higher levels of disadvantage and deprivation?

The MYBE Avatar Learner Journey© will be online as a fully functioning prototype by the end of April 2021 and completely functional in the summer period before completing and publishing a final impact evaluation in September 2021.

We warmly welcome early engagements with potential users or organisations in contact with potential users.

Contact us here and we will be happy to discuss this opportunity further.

Mybe Awards
Author: Mybe Awards


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